English Conversation Activities

To increase students'interest, we bring them closer to the contemporary culture and aspects of everyday life in English speaking countries. The topics are concentrated on the shared interests of teenagers and young adults worldwide; selected themes range from popular free-time interests like television, music, fashion, food and holidays as well as professional subjects such as jobs, money, politics and science. 

Included are numerous funny texts for reading as well as ideas for encouraging conversation and discussions.

Choose conversation activity lesson topic


Let's play
introduction games.


Create commercials using common advertising slogans and phrases.

TV & Story telling

We found the worst
soap opera lines.


Let's talk about politics
in a VERY relaxed manner.


A few useful and many useless 
but funny tips .


Who's best at science?


Plan to open
your own restaurant.

Fashion & Celebrities

Who is
the strongest link?


Show me the money!
Interesting facts about the USA.


Find your perfect
holiday destination.

Health & Sports

Which are the most
popular sports?

Free time

Let's play games and converse
about music and movies.
To increase students'interest, we bring them closer to the contemporary culture and aspects of everyday life in English speaking countries.  The topics are concentrated on the shared interests of teenagers and young adults worldwide; selected themes range from popular free-time interests like television, music, fashion, food and holidays as well as professional subjects such as jobs, money, politics and science.  

Included are numerous funny texts for reading as well as ideas for encouraging conversation and discussions.

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printed book

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